Monday, January 20, 2014

Thanksgiving 2: The Recipe Blog?

     A recipe blog? Am I changing my focus from Thanksgiving 2 prep to simply a food blog? Don't worry loyal Thanksgivers (too much?), I haven't abandoned you. I'm just going to add some depth to the recipe test entries. The idea for the addition came while talking with a few of the guests at Thanksgiving 2.6. It occurred to me that I have never posted pictures on the blog. If I add pictures and toss in a better description of the recipes I'm testing, I may attract a couple more readers. If 2 more people read the blog, maybe 1 more person will come to the event or feel like they could throw their own TH2 in their town. Both of which are the ultimate goal.

The new format for recipe testing entries will be the following:
-Name of recipe
-Length of cook time, and ease of preparation

-Issues I encountered, if any, such as flavors and did any tasters enjoy it or how much was left if I took it to work
-Pictures will be placed where I deem appropriate, but there will always be a finished product picture

     The first birthday day is coming up at my place of business this week, so I will have an opportunity to try out my food blogging skills very soon. I realized that I made too many desserts for TH2.6, so I will have to find a couple sides or main dishes to bring into work. I have no issues with bringing a crock pot to keep food warm, but I am hoping to find a few recipes that can sit out for a few hours and not spoil.

     Now that I have a new format for the food testing blog entries, I have to come up with a method for testing to find the trial recipes. When I looked through my cookbooks, and the internet, I was overloaded with possibilities. I'm finding 3-4 times as many recipes that could work for the menu. The Scandinavians love of the Smorgasbord is right in line with the Thanksgiving 2 feast. However, I think I've come up with a decent concept. Scandinavia is made up of either 4 or 5 countries depending on whom you ask: Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Iceland and possibly Finland. I have 11 months to find around 10 recipes from 4-5 countries. Every month I'm going to focus on a different country for my recipe searching. I've decided to start with the largest country and January will be Sweden. There is a lot of overlap and redundancy among the 4(5) countries, and they each have a different language. It will take a little extra care each month to make sure I do not test the same recipe that has a different name. If nothing else this new method of blogging will keep it interesting for me. Now on to the recipes. 

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