Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The To-Do List 1

This post is more for me than any readers.
  • Evite-Done
  • find 5-7 "leftover" recipes and new stuffing recipe (I didn't like last years)
  • buy malheur from somewhere
  • get free turkey to test leftover recipes (week of Nov 13)
  • make pasta salad (around Nov 28)
  • make macaroni salad (around Nov 29)
  • buy soda, veggies, baked beans, noodles, walnuts, bread flour, potatoes, mayo, stuffing bread, plates, cups, plasticware
  • buy rolls from Wegman's or The Italian Peoples Bakery (Dec 1)
  • clean 5 gallon bucket, and/or cooler
That's it so far I think.